Annual HOA Meeting 11/15/2022

Annual Staffords Farm HOA Meeting Nov 15, 2022 Board Members Present: • Michael Schulte: President • Tanya Hinckley: Treasurer • Doug Burton: Communications Others present: • Samantha Marcum • Jonathan Hinckley • Grant Duncan Since this was our second attempt at an annual meeting, and we had more than 8 proxies (I don’t remember exactly how many), we had enough for a quorum, so the meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM. Agenda Items Discussed:

  1. 2022 Annual Report • Grounds report o Walking Path Repair: General agreement that Donnie’s Paving did a good job on sealing and repair for less than the $5,000 budget agreed upon. Still need to deal with the buckling in some areas. o Mowing: One last mowing, to mulch the leaves, remains to be done this year. Some discussion that we need to make it clear to Scott to not mow during dry periods in the summer. (Note: Scott’s mower broke down in my yard on Friday, while doing the final leaf mulching, and had to be towed out. Not sure when he will get back to mulching.) o Work needed to be done in 2023: Trim along the trail, apply mulch around the neighborhood sign on Meadow. • Treasurer report o We failed to get approval to increase the dues in our special meeting in September, so we will discuss raising the dues 5% at our next HOA Board meeting. o Total expenses: $12,491.31, most of which ($12,090.00) was grounds maintenance; a large part of that was the cost of repairing the walking path (~$5,000). o Total Income: $6,435, all of which was from dues collected. o Cash Balance: Beginning Balance: $18,882.88. Ending Balance: $12,826.57. • President’s report o Michael Schulte is stepping down as President of the Board, as he and his family are moving to Harrisonburg this month. o Michael noted that, according to recent changes in the Virginia Property Owners Association Act, virtual meetings and electronic voting are allowed. We need to decide whether we want to implement either of these (it would make getting a quorum easier), and whether anything in our bylaws forbids this.
  2. Election of New Officers • President: after some discussion, Grant Duncan volunteered to serve as our new President. Seconded and approved by show of hands; no dissenting votes. • Treasurer: Tanya Hinckley volunteered to continue serving as Treasurer (with assistance from her husband Jonathan.) Seconded and approved by show of hands; no dissenting votes. • Communications: Doug Burton volunteered to continue serving as Communications director, with one caveat: due to his hearing problems, keeping the minutes at meetings can be a problem, so he is asking for someone to volunteer to help with this. Seconded and approved by show of hands; no dissenting votes. (Note: after discussing this with my wife MK, she has agreed to help out by keeping the minutes for Board and HOA meetings.) • Grounds: it is unclear whether Jeff Greenough is willing to continue as Grounds director. No volunteers stepped forward. • Architecture: it is unclear whether Tim Walker is willing to continue as director of architecture review. No volunteers stepped forward. • (Note: Doug has emailed Tim and Jeff about this; both Tim as Director of Architecture Review, and Jeff as Director of Grounds, have agreed to continue in their roles.)
  3. Additional comments and discussion • Next HOA board meeting will be sometime in late winter or early spring. • There was a suggestion to move the annual HOA meeting to early in the summer. Feedback from the members has indicated that weekdays after work in one of the cul-de-sacs would work better than weekends or meetings at the library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.